Kiss & Tell: Spring Fling:
Move D [Source, Workshop | Heidelberg]
Bryan Kasenic [The Bunker – Brooklyn]
Bethany [Kiss & Tell – Brooklyn]
Hostess and Photographer Seze
Extra fun added by Deanna
Wednesday May 22
7pm – late
The Panther Room
74 Wythe Avenue (North 12th Street entrance)
Spring is in the air and we’re all feeling a little flirty. The ladies of Kiss & Tell are back with Kiss & Tell resident DJ Bethany, The Bunker’s Bryan Kasenic and Move D!
We will be breaking in The Panther Room, a new Williamsburg venue. We are quite excited to settle into our new home and sip some after work cocktails as we listen to vintage dance music records on a brand spankin’ new Funktion One sound system.
You just might hear: disco, ladies’ choice jams, space oddities, geigh haus!
Dress to impress in your finest floral frocks. Wear flowers in your hair or in your lapel.
More info on the Kiss & Tell site: www.kissmekiss.me

I absolutely love 20 Cats As Fonts. Click here to see the rest.

The ladies of Kiss & Tell like to listen to records
Here is my new friend Jacqueline Withers’ fashion and hair blog. She is a hair color specialist in NYC. www.partyhaireverywhere.com

Wow this Total Eclipse of the Heart: Literal Video Version is really funny. Thanks for the link Heather.
For the past two years my favorite food podcast has been the Splendid Table. Even if you are not a big foodie the host Lynne Rossetto Kasper’s laugh and amazing personality is enough to keep your interest. And every week she has the fabulous Jane and Michael Stern talk about their Road Food adventures. You can download to her very informative podcast here.  She is not to be missed!
Interesting article on Ketamine and music in The Guardian. link
I had a chance to view Coraline in true 3D at the most lovely movie theater in New York The Ziegfeld. Coraline is far better and darker than most children’s films. The visuals were completely inspiring and I can’t wait to see it again and again.

from the original book by Neil Gaiman

Coraline and her kitty venture down the rabbit hole.

The mouse circus performance was my favorite part.
Bettie Page, Queen of Pinups, Dies at 85

Our beautiful pinup queen has passed away. Photographer Unknown.

November 12, 2008
* PDF: http://www.nytimes-se.com/pdf
* For video updates: http://www.nytimes-se.com/video
Early this morning, commuters nationwide were delighted to find out
that while they were sleeping, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had
come to an end.
If, that is, they happened to read a "special edition" of today's New
York Times.
In an elaborate operation six months in the planning, 1.2 million
papers were printed at six different presses and driven to prearranged
pickup locations, where thousands of volunteers stood ready to pass
them out on the street.
Articles in the paper announce dozens of new initiatives including the
establishment of national health care, the abolition of corporate
lobbying, a maximum wage for C.E.O.s, and, of course, the end of the
The paper, an exact replica of The New York Times, includes
International, National, New York, and Business sections, as well as
editorials, corrections, and a number of advertisements, including a
recall notice for all cars that run on gasoline. There is also a
timeline describing the gains brought about by eight months of
progressive support and pressure, culminating in President Obama's "Yes
we REALLY can" speech. (The paper is post-dated July 4, 2009.)
"It's all about how at this point, we need to push harder than ever,"
said Bertha Suttner, one of the newspaper's writers. "We've got to make
sure Obama and all the other Democrats do what we elected them to do.
After eight, or maybe twenty-eight years of hell, we need to start
imagining heaven."
Not all readers reacted favorably. "The thing I disagree with is how
they did it," said Stuart Carlyle, who received a paper in Grand
Central Station while commuting to his Wall Street brokerage. "I'm all
for freedom of speech, but they should have started their own paper."
NY Times response

Print by Shepard Fairey
I saw the first video to ever be aired on MTV when I was in kindergarten. It was Video Killed the Radio Star by Buggles, and I was instantly hooked for most of my youth. I used to dress up like Madonna and perform entire videos in front of my parents for their entertainment. I can’t remember the last time I saw a real video air on MTV but this new site might make up for that.

Zina Saunders, “Playing House” for The Nation, 2008
Horizons 2008: Perspectives on Psychedelics lectures audio is available for listening online here. I especially recommend listening to one of my favorite author’s Daniel Pinchbeck’s talk.
In 2007 I designed the Horizons Web Site take a look at it to see more information on this amazing yearly conference.

The Pink Project by JeongMee Yoon

Pixie Pixel on my pink skirt, photo by Seze Devres