Helen Levitt died this week at a ripe old age in her sleep. Reading her obituary reminded me how much I have always loved her street photographs of children in New York City. Here are some of my favorites:

Melissa Block’s interview with Helen Levitt on NPR

My dear friend Zoh invited me to see The Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall. Her costume shop she worked on the fancy crystal costumes for the final skit. It was a such a treat to have a ridiculously festive date with her.

All photos by Seze Devres
On November 6, I went to the Whitney Museum of American Art for the opening of the William Eggleston’s exhibition The Democratic Camera. I consider William Eggleston to be one of the fathers of color photography. I used to stare at his images in photo books for hours at the library when I was Stephen Shore’s photography student art Bard College. His strange images were a huge influence on me. Eggleston made it ok to turn snapshots into works of art, and therefore he made me feel more confident about my own early images. He is a master when it comes to color. The richness in the way Eggleston printed his images was something very new at the time.

Photo by William Eggleston
In my opinion this is one of Eggleston’s best photographs. It displays the sheer bliss of light (sunlight) and photography, my two favorite things.
I showed up alone at the opening but I ran into a few friends, which was an unexpected surprise. It is always a nice to bump into people from a another part of your life at a completely different kind of event. I saw my friend Kirsten there who happens to be an old family friend of the curator of the exhibition Elisabeth Sussman. Kirsten immediately introduced me to Sussman and her brother Paul Sacks. We were all very excited for Sussman! I have admired her curatorial work for years and it was a pleasure to meet her.

Elisabeth Sussman and her brother Paul Sacks

Kirsten Sonnenberg and Paul Sacks

With my mentor Charles Traub, the head of the SVA MFA Photography program.
Then as if it was not already an amazing night, I had a chance to walk through the exhibition with Dan Bell?!! It is always great to see how another artist that I admire reacts to iconic works of art.

Photo by William Eggleston
Dan Bell could relate to this photo because he tours all the time.
More images at www.egglestontrust.com

November 12, 2008
* PDF: http://www.nytimes-se.com/pdf
* For video updates: http://www.nytimes-se.com/video
Early this morning, commuters nationwide were delighted to find out
that while they were sleeping, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had
come to an end.
If, that is, they happened to read a "special edition" of today's New
York Times.
In an elaborate operation six months in the planning, 1.2 million
papers were printed at six different presses and driven to prearranged
pickup locations, where thousands of volunteers stood ready to pass
them out on the street.
Articles in the paper announce dozens of new initiatives including the
establishment of national health care, the abolition of corporate
lobbying, a maximum wage for C.E.O.s, and, of course, the end of the
The paper, an exact replica of The New York Times, includes
International, National, New York, and Business sections, as well as
editorials, corrections, and a number of advertisements, including a
recall notice for all cars that run on gasoline. There is also a
timeline describing the gains brought about by eight months of
progressive support and pressure, culminating in President Obama's "Yes
we REALLY can" speech. (The paper is post-dated July 4, 2009.)
"It's all about how at this point, we need to push harder than ever,"
said Bertha Suttner, one of the newspaper's writers. "We've got to make
sure Obama and all the other Democrats do what we elected them to do.
After eight, or maybe twenty-eight years of hell, we need to start
imagining heaven."
Not all readers reacted favorably. "The thing I disagree with is how
they did it," said Stuart Carlyle, who received a paper in Grand
Central Station while commuting to his Wall Street brokerage. "I'm all
for freedom of speech, but they should have started their own paper."
NY Times response
The best Halloween costume I ever had was when I was six, my mom sewed a Snow White costume for me. While I wore it and it I truly believed I was the real Snow White. I grew up in a large apartment building in Midtown Manhattan. So we trick or treated by ringing all the doorbells on each floor and waited to see who opened their door. Some people would give us candy and some slacker bachelors would give us small change. The year I was Snow White someone gave me a red apple, just like the apple she was given to fall into a deep sleep in the fairy tale. When I got home my mom peeled the apple to serve it to me. Much to my mother’s horror she found a sewing needle in the apple!
Currently listening to Bob Dylan’s Halloween Theme Time Radio#26
Horizons 2008: Perspectives on Psychedelics lectures audio is available for listening online here. I especially recommend listening to one of my favorite author’s Daniel Pinchbeck’s talk.
In 2007 I designed the Horizons Web Site take a look at it to see more information on this amazing yearly conference.

Bansky’s mock pet shop in the Village.
Photo: Robert Stolarik for The New York Times article
Photos by dear friend Abigail Feldman (thank you)

my friend JG Thirlwell photo by Seze Devres
Link to The Stone site
and check this awesome line up: www.brainwavesfest.org

I have been listening to Matmos for years and seeing them live was a wonderful experience.
Photo by Seze
Shot live at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City on Icelandic Independence Day, Sigur Rós @ MoMA is a unique concert film highlighting new material from the band’s latest album, as well as classic Sigur Rós songs. Directed by Alex Simmons.
watch the film here
I had goosebumps the entire time I watched this concert film, their music is unique and otherworldly.
hey cat lovers,
This is a photo my brother took with his cellphone, of a cat sitting on a guy’s head! WTF! If I tried to get Konrad to sit on my head while I walked around the city, I am certain it would end in my untimely death by scratching.

Photo by Zoh’s brother

Here is a phone photo of me & Konrad taken while Bryan and I were babysitting him.