I have been photographing jewelry for over a decade now and rarely post my commercial still life work on my blog. It is often opulent pieces I would be horrified to wear. I was super excited (and challenged) to take photos of Brvtvs‘ tiny little stylish gold ear cuffs, they might be the smallest thing I have ever photographed. Here are images that were run in the NY Times Style section today.

Michaelangelo Matos‘ article is finally up on The Resident Advisor site, commemorating ten years of The Bunker’s history. I have been involved in The Bunker for over seven years now, photo documenting most of the events, hosting the party, welcoming artists in our home, and taking care of the flyer design until recently. Needless to say it has been a huge part of my life and also an immense creative outlet.

The Bunker Best of 2006 photos
The Bunker best of 2007 photos
The Bunker best of 2008 photos
The Bunker best of 2009 photos

I recently made a community page for my commercial photography work, please like me…
