I added a few images from 2008 to my site www.seze.net

Seze Devres, sz08-0506b from Lyricalinear 2008, Digial C Print, 16×20

Seze Devres, sz08-0506d from Lyricalinear 2008, Digial C Print, 16×20

Seze Devres, sz08-0506e from Lyricalinear 2008, Digial C Print, 16×20

I finally got around to listening to my copy of the beautiful and haunting compilation Dark Was The Night. Maybe I was waiting for just the right day to really appreciate it. Buy your copy today, and all the revenue goes to AIDS charities.

On Monday I caught memorable sets by Adultnapper and Ellen Allien at the festival. I was pretty tired by day four so I headed to the hotel room and rested before our secret party at Oslo. Bryan Kasenic (Beyond Booking) and Eric Cloutier organized a last minute party at Oslo with Adultnapper and Steve Bug. Eric opened up and the night continued with a stellar tag team set by Adultnapper and Steve Bug. The next day Brendan and Amber picked us up and we finally ate at Slows BBQ!

Your are welcome for this photo Eric.

Steve Bug and Adultnapper

catching up with our buddy Luke Hess!


It was a hot sweaty dance dance party just like The Bunker
Sunday night was the only night we had a “night off” from throwing parties at Oslo. Bryan was booked to open the all night acid house party No Way Back produced by Interdimensional Transmissions. I was wonderful to meet our lovely party hosts Brendan (from Ectomorph) and Amber. All night (and morning ) we were blessed with awesome tunes from Spinoza, Derek, Plaslaiko, BMG, I.B.M., Mike Servito, Chuck Hampton, Carlos Souffront, Patrick Russell, and Traxx. Yet, the best part was hanging out in the lounge at the early morning hours with a my silly wasted Detroit/Brooklyn tachno family.

We were the first people to arrive and I took this photo of Derek Plaslaiko while they were setting up.

Bryan/Spinoza opening up No Way Back

My dear friends and insanely creative lovebirds Michael and Bethany (Dethlab)

pretty boy mohawk

Matt Abbott and “In Surf We Trust” sunglasses

Luckily I passed on the 9am cheap champagne…
All photos by Seze Devres
On Sunday we ate some delicious deep dish Chicago style pizza at Pizza Papalis and headed upstairs to Ryan Brogen’s party 313 at the rooftop day party at Exodus Lounge. There was hardly anyone there but I was happy to see about 20 of my friends enjoying the music and good weather. Omar S proved to be one of the most talented DJs I heard all weekend. The best part was watching a very adorable Japanese girls go bananas over his music.

Omar S signed (two years in a row) teddy bears

Omar S thought his set was just ok… (wtf??)

Techno Wives: Kerry, Gratia and me

My Fairy Godmothers and Bryan
Then we headed back to the festival to and checked out a banging live performance by the brothers team of Octave One. Their set was one of the highlights of the festival for me.

Octave One killin’ it at the Detroit Underground stage
Collectively we decided to skip a meal at Slows BBQ to catch the much anticipated performances of Innervisions and The Wighnomy Brothers. I was sadly disappointed by both acts, even though I love their music so much.  I fed my growling stomach some bland festival food and headed back to my hotel room to rest before the No Way Back party.
Wow this Total Eclipse of the Heart: Literal Video Version is really funny. Thanks for the link Heather.

Antony Crossfield, WarDance1 Ed.3, 2008

Flyer by Seze Devres
On Saturday we ran into Clark Warner and his wife Liz Copeland at breakfast. I finally met their adorable baby. A few hours later radio goddess and new mother Liz Copeland opened up the festival with a really lovely set of what she defines as baby listening music. Melodies from Air and Brian Eno and other ethereal treasures consumed our ears, as ravers of all ages started to show up for the first day of the festival. Other highlights of my day were killer sets from Nikola Baytala and Steve Bug.

Clark Warner and his baby in protective ear gear or maybe he is listening to death metal?

an adorable Lolita raver

more candy ravers
At night we threw the Detroit version of House n Home (my flyer). I finally had a chance to meet the lovely DJ Cassy. Here is the fist shot I took of her. She was all smiles during her amazing set. I wish more DJs smiled when I photographed them.

Photos by Seze Devres
It is always hard for me to sum up a trip. I have been going to Detroit every year for the past 4 years. This year was a bit different because we threw 3 parties at the beautiful dark wood lined club Oslo. So it was less of a rave vacation and it was more about working and party picture taking.
Our trip started out with a delicious techno family meal at Roast. I ate the best marinated smoked salmon ever to cross my lips. Chef Jeff made sure I had plenty to eat as everyone else munched on meaty treats like beef cheek and bone marrow.

Gratia, Eric, Jan

We ate like kings before The Bunker Detroit party with Jan Krueger, Derek Plaslaiko, Spinoza performing. I managed to take these photos in almost total darkness.

…and at the party I met this lovely celebrating couple that met exactly a year ago in Detroit
photos by Seze Devres
Brian Dettmer sifts through stacks of antiquated books, boxes of dusty cassette tapes, and piles of obsolete maps to uncover the perfect source and subject for his conceptual explorations and sculptural dissections. Dettmer alters pre-existing materials by selectively removing and manipulating elements as a way to allow new interpretations and ideas to emerge. With the precision of a surgeon, Dettmer uses scalpels, tweezers, and other medical instruments to carve into the surface of his found objects to reveal hidden meanings.

Skull, sculpture made from altered cassette tape cartridges by Brian Dettmer

Websters New World Dictionary altered by Brian Dettmer

photo by Seze Devres